Magical item to create happy moments : In talk with Hiromi Tanaka, an interior and food space planner.
eterble has asked space creative professionals with a variety of perspectives about how anyone can make a rich table space, ideas, and techniques. I this volume we discussed with Hiromi Tanaka, who is an interior and food space planner to talk about the importance of table linens.
ーHiromi is a table styling instructor with experience of interior and architectureー
I am an instructor at FSPJ table coordinate school and teach online the table coordinations and perspective sketches. From my experience in the field of interior and architecture, I expertise in creating the the table styling which makes the space more attractive. I also write a column in one of the architectural media.

One of Hiromi’s table coordination, intended to correspond with the space to look more attractive.
ー”Table line is a magical item which creates happy times”
the joy of table linen and styling from Hiromi’s viewー
The same table can be transformed in many ways by changing the table linens according to the season or occasion. You could say that table linens set the “stage” for the table. It is strange that once the stage is set, people naturally want to match the flowers and vessels. Table linen is a magic item that creates happy moments.
ーFrom interior stylist’s view, what should be considered when choosing the first table linen?ー
For the beginners, I think it is easier to start with items such as table mats, table runners, where you can use partially. However, as with tablecloths, you should first measure the size of the table to determine which size table runners to select. As for the shades, neutral types are recommended. If you want to add a little character, I would say to go with “Elisabeth”, “Annalena”, or “Azulejo” whichi comes wiht accents on the edges or center.
ーAttract with subtle details: charm of Elisabethー
I personally like things with little details at the edges.
Same when it comes to fashion, it’s eye-catching and looks sophisticated even plain black clothing has tucks, pleats, and other small details.
In that sense I think the Elisabeth tablecloth, which has tucks on the edges, are really nice. The tabletop is rather simple, but the detailing on the hem is very beautiful, giving a good surprising presentation.
ーColor schemes inspired by natural colors match with any interiorー
I thought the colors of the eterble items were very nice.
I have the impression that many of the colors are inspired by the richness of nature, such as the blue of the sky or the color of wheat. It is a color scheme that soothes people’s feelings. The texture has a high quality feel and blends in naturally with the interior. I feet it could be used in any situation.
FSPJ certified instructor, coordinator. Online instructor at FSPJ table coordinate school. Specializes in Interior coordination, furniture design, perspective sketching. Delivers columns on architectural media.